Purchasing life insurance can be one of the best things you do for your family. In the event of your death, it can offer financial support, and therefore, peace of mind. Because of this, it is incredibly important to plan for your future. With that being said, here are a few tips so that you may avoid some common mistakes… Read more →
Category: Life Insurance Settlement
What is Burial Insurance?
If you are an adult, you are probably familiar with the complexities of the insurance industry. There are several different kinds of insurance available to us. Whether you need your car, house or phone insured, chances are there’s a policy out there for you. While I specifically deal with life insurance policies, I am not opposed to speaking about other… Read more →
It Covers What? Things Surprisingly Covered By Insurance Policies
Life insurance is one of the most important investments of your life. If you can afford a policy, make sure to get one. It can save your family a great deal of grief in the future. But today, I’m not here to discuss life insurance; I’m here to discuss the strange things that are covered by all different kinds of… Read more →
How Can Genetic Discrimination Affect Your Life Insurance?
As the popularity of gene testing continues to grow, consumers should be aware of a potential consequence: Australian insurance companies may use the results to discriminate when it comes to coverage options. The Consumer Action Law Centre has warned consumers that some insurers may determine it’s too expensive to insure someone with a pre-existing condition — even if it has… Read more →
Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Life Insurance
Life insurance is a form of financial protection that can help survivors pay off debt, cover living expenses, and more when the policyholder passes away. Despite the importance of life insurance, it’s easy to make errors when purchasing a policy that can result in financial disaster for loved ones instead of a safety net. Here are several of the most… Read more →
Cautionary Tales: Life Insurance Mistakes
As a life insurance agent, I promote truth, honesty and transparency. These are three crucial characteristics of a great life insurance salesperson. Unfortunately, not everyone abides by these three principles. While life insurance can be a tremendous boon for grieving families, it has also been used by those with nefarious intent. I wanted to highlight a few examples of life… Read more →
How to Choose the Right Life Insurance Agent
Millions of people go shopping every day. Buying cars, homes, groceries, TVs, and furniture, yet none of it compares to the experience of life-insurance shopping. Life Insurance policies are arguably one of the most important purchases you will make. The rewards and consequences can be staggering. To ensure the protection of your hard work, assets, and family, follow these guidelines… Read more →
Who Needs Life Insurance?
Life insurance is a necessity, which I’ve mentioned time and time again. I can’t overemphasize the importance of life insurance. I’ve mentioned this before in several blogs, and while I’ve mentioned its importance, I do not believe that I’ve really discussed who life insurance is for. With that being said, I figured I could highlight who would benefit most from… Read more →
Common Myths About Life Insurance
Life insurance is a necessity. Whether you want to believe it or not, it’s the truth. However, there are several myths and misconceptions about life insurance and the industry as a whole that I would like to dispel. I don’t need life insurance Wrong. You do. If you have a family or anybody that depends on you and your income,… Read more →
3 Things your Life Insurance Does Cover
Last week, I wrote about three things that your life insurance policy might not cover. This week, I will highlight three of the most common things covered by life insurance plans, so for those of you asking why you would even need one, this blog is for you. While the previous week’s topic was very important, it was a bit… Read more →