Category: Life Insurance Settlement

Robert Taurosa The Largest Life Insurance Policies Ever

The Largest Life Insurance Policies Ever

As I’ve mentioned before, life insurance can be a tricky industry to navigate. One of its biggest downsides is its macabre nature. Many people don’t like to think about when they will die or what will happen to their loved ones after they pass. That being said, not everything discussing life insurance needs to have such a sad tone. That… Read more →

Robert Taurosa Life Insurance Settlement Startup Shakes Up Industry

Life Insurance Settlement Startup Shakes Up Industry

The life insurance settlement industry is a lucrative market, with an estimated value of $1.7 billion. A life settlement is when somebody sells their life insurance policy to an investor, in exchange for a percentage of the policy’s face value. Since its inception, the life insurance settlement market has been dominated by brokers, but two Stanford University grads are seeking… Read more →